by Loretta Humble
Loretta is an owner of Cedar Lake Nursing Home and Cedar Lake Home Health and Hospice. She writes a weekly column in the Malakoff News and runs an active facebook page,
A few weeks ago a couple of Malakoff shopkeepers were brainstorming about a way to boost sagging summer sales. "Let's call it Christmas in July," somebody said, and almost before they knew it, a city-wide four-day party had evolved. Next Wednesday, July 25, it all starts off with a first rate art show and a library book sale, both of which will run through Saturday. Wednesday night the town is invited to a free Christmas movie, complete with popcorn. Christmas decorations are already popping up all over town. Nearly every business in town is participating, offering sales and raffles all four days. Saturday winds the event up with a bang, with events for children and adults, such as train rides and story telling, free glamour shots, and a painting demonstration, and a number of unique vendors, such as professional face painters and hair feather weavers, who will set up under the shade trees on Cornbread Square. The following activities have been scheduled so far. More may be coming:
Wed. July 25 6 - 8 PM ** THE POLAR EXPRESS FREE Christmas Movie Night and Popcorn! For the Children of All Ages! Children's Building at First Baptist Church, 220 W. Mitcham St.
Wed. July 25th - Sat 28th
** Sales and/or free raffles in nearly every store . List of participants available all over town.
** Christmas in July Art Show and Sale presented at the Flagg House, home of the Malakoff Historical Museum, 207 E Main St. Wed - Sat from 10 - 3
** Free WiFi at My Favorite Things gift shop and Coffee House, 202 S. Terry St, Malakoff** **Big Book Sale in the Malakoff Library Wed-Saturday 9:30-5:00
Saturday, July 28th -
Library Sale, Art Show , Merchant Sales and Raffles Continue.
** 9 AM - 11 AM Train Rides Howdy Acres Tree Farm in Athens will be giving Children's Train Rides around Cornbread Square, downtown, for a very reasonable fee
** 9 AM -mid- afternoon Unique Vendors in Cornbread Square: Quilts, Face Painting, Hair Feathers, and More!
**9 AM-11 AM Free Glamour Shots at Cedar Lake Nursing Services, 104 South Terry
** 9 AM - A Special Lemonade Stand promoting Faith in Action Outreach
** 11 AM - Artist's Demonstration at New To You , 109 S Terry St.
** 12:30 - Puppet Show and Storytelling at the Malakoff Library. ** Author Sharon Ellsberry is going to be sharing her Spaniel Family children's books with us!
At end of this article see a few of the excellent paintings on display at the Christmas in July Art Show.
For More Info call Pat Isaacson at the Chamber of Commerce, (903) 489-8118. A list of merchants who are participating in the sales and raffle is available at Facebook.Com/MalakoffChristmasInJuly, at the Flagg House and all participating merchants.
Drawings for raffles will be done at each merchant's shop. Times will vary. You don't need to be present to win.