GUN BARREL CITY -- As the only lakeside entertainment venue on Cedar Creek Lake, Cedar Isle Restaurant & Baja Beach Club meant much more than just another place to hang out.
It was a favorite spot for celebrations year round and When it burned just before Christmas, it left everyone wondering where the fundraisers hosted by the business would relocate.
The organizers of Buddy Bash, one of the biggest and most popular summer celebrations, decided to take advantage of the lake's only public lakeside facility, Tom Finley Park.
Buddy Bash, which during its five-year history has reaised more than %50,000 for the American Cancer Soc9iety, will go on as usual. The event, which honors now-deceased favorite lakeside businessman and personality Buddy Hopkins, will kick off June 8, Saturday, at 8 a.m. and continue all day until midnight.
Hopkins, who died of stomach cancer in 2007, was famous around the lake for his "let the good times roll" attitude,. His family and friends decided to celebrate his memory annually and raise money for the fight against cancer at the same time.
The only difference this year is that the event, which features live music by bands playing all day, barbecue dinners, volleyball games, bikini contests, an auction, dancing and merriment will be held in a public park rather than the deck of the now-closed Cedar Isle business.
There will be 10 bands playing, including Full Circle Rising, which is the band of Hopkins' son, Eddy Hopkins. Other musicians include Jason Lopez, Heather Elle, Chris Wayne Band, The F1-11s, Broken Silence, Danny Banda and Trust/Not and SAP.
There won't be tables and chairs this year so participants should bring blankets and lawn chairs. The park has some benches and picnic tables, but those will fill up quickly.
Organizers Eddy and Kala Hopkins, Jimmy Hopkins and Randy Harris say the event being held at the park makes it possible that this year's event will be the biggest ever because so many more people can be accommodated.
All proceeds will go to the American Cancer Society.
Tom Finley Park is off the Highway 334 Causeway between Seven Points and Gun Barrel City.