Ron Chapman is a retired Dallas County State District Judge and Appellate Court Judge for the State of Texas who now lives on Cedar Creek Lake. He also served as a Visiting Judge. He obtained his law degree from Southern Methodist University. He lives in Trinidad with his wife Sally. He is a Democratic Party political activist. Why did you choose Cedar Creek Lake as a site for retirement?
Chapman: The real estate values here are better than at any of the other area lakes. And they've more than doubled in ten years. I'm no different than thousands of folks down here who have downsized and live on a reduced income thanks to pensions, Social Security, and Medicare. And I'll disagree with anyone who tries to reduce them! They are not "entitlements" -- they were earned. What do you consider the area's most important assets to be?
Chapman: The people! There are many retirees and others living in the area who support the local businesses, charities, and governments. The nearby medical services in Tyler, Kaufman, and Athens are a great asset, also. What do you think the area's greatest challenges are?
Chapman: Unemployment and mass transportation. Someone -- from Congress to the County level to the city council level -- needs to be paying more attention to these areas and doing more future planning. What do you envision happening in the Cedar Creek Lake area in terms of residential and business development in the next few years?
Chapman: It will grow in spite of itself. Minor political and philosophical disputes that arise from time to time are the only things impeding more rapid growth. As the area continues to grow, what changes do you foresee in regard to local communities and their governments?
Chapman: The different governments and communities must learn to work together for our common wellbeing. The Cedar Creek Area Chamber of Commerce does great work and all -- and I do mean ALL -- towns should join and participate.