Do You Arduino? That may seem like a foreign language question about a new kind of dance, but it has great bearing on our life in the United States. You see, Arduino is a tiny type of computer that can do very big things. It has more computing power than the Apollo capsule that took astronauts to the moon.
And the price? That’s an even bigger point: $20 or less. With this kind of computing power so cheap and portable, programmers around the world have designed programs on it to do hundreds of tasks. And that is the topic of the next meeting of the Cedar Creek Amateur (ham) Radio Club.
A self-taught expert, Greg Grant will answer questions and detail some of the Arduino’s uses. Greg is ham radio operator and uses the microcomputer in his hamshack. His appearance is a continuation of our series of Skype interviews with experts around the world at our radio club.
The meeting will be held Saturday September 10th at the Mabank Café on Hwy 198 in Mabank. The club meets the second Saturday of each month there. The meeting starts at 9 AM, but many come early for the breakfast buffet. Anyone interested in technology is welcome.
The ham radio exam no longer requires a code test. So if you’ve ever wanted to talk to the world or be a first responder, this is the time to act. The Cedar Creek Radio Club offers free one-day classes to study and pass the exam.
Formed in 1981, the Cedar Creek ARC has over thirty members from the tri-county area. It maintains a VHF and UHF repeater system that provide hand-held radio coverage to hams in the lake area, and mobile and base coverage throughout the three counties. CCARC participates in the National Weather Service SKYWARN program and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service. The club also provides classes to those wishing to join the ranks of Amateur "ham" Radio. For more information, visit