West Cedar Creek Municipal Utility District officials expect to soon complete all state regulating requirements for supplying water to Kemp.
The final step will involve gaining approval for operation of a dual operating service area. Last month the district's board learned the Public Utility Commission had held up the application for a Certificate of Convenience and Necessity because wrong forms had been submitted, but that has since been addresed.
WMUD must now submit plans for how it will service a dual area because a portion of the Kemp area overlaps with the Becker-Jiba. An interlocal agreement must be signed with Becker-Jiba's board because of about 10 meters operated by WMUD in that district.
WMUD officials said the two districts are in agreement, and there will be no difficulty in negotiating the agreement.
WMUD is already hooked up to Kemp and running. The paperwork will complete a project began in 2011 after the great drought left Kemp without water and drew national attention to the small town.
On the other side of the lake, East Cedar Creek Fresh Water District officials approved a $100,000 manhole rehabilitation project for 46 meters immediately. During the next five years 30 manholes per year will also be rehabilitated.
The improvements to the manholes will decrease the amount of water flowing into the district's wastewater system and prolong the life of the district's plant.