Just 20 minutes south on Hwy 175 you'll find the East Texas Arboretum and Botanical Society. Did you know that your annual membership at the East Texas Arboretum and Botanical Society will also get you free admission to other arboretums and gardens across Texas, the United States and even Canada, the Cayman Islands and Virgin Islands?
Why pay $89 per year to join the Dallas Arboretum when individual ETABS memberships start at just $25 and family memberships at $60. Enjoy ETABS all year round and gain access to other arboretums and gardens for a fraction of the price!
You can find arboretums and gardens that will recognize your East Texas Arboretum and Botanical Society membership at http://ahsgardening.org/gardening-programs/rap/find/statebystate. It is always a good idea to double check each individual venue's policy in advance of your visit.
For more information about joining the East Texas Arboretum and Botanical Society; or to find out what's happening at ETABS this season, check out http://www.easttexasarboretum.org/ or call 903-675-5630.
The East Texas Arboretum and Botanical Society is located at 1601 Patterson Road in Athens, TX.